The Events of Our Lives

The Events of Our Lives

Monday, May 27, 2013

Boy or Girl???

We had our 3-D sonogram done and since we weren't finding out what it is we could just get head shots. I text this picture to Molly Hildebrand with the caption that asked, "what do you think. boy or girl?"
Molly calls me and says it is a boy because she can see the penis! After going back and forth many times she finally believed me that it was only a face shot and that was the nose! Turns out she was right though!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Baby Shower #3

Tara and Ali hosted my 3rd baby shower. Tara tried every trick in the book to make me find out if we were having a boy or girl. She even used Lucy on me! Even though I didn't find out they still were able to throw a great shower and I got to see lots of great friends!

 All the girls showed up in black and white! Kiley Klug (childhood friend), Kaci Atkinson (childhood friend), Tara (oh my the memories we have since I was born), Ali (childhood friend), Jenny Urban (college teammate)!

The Park Crew - Tatum Vogel, Holly Tittel, Traci Miller, Alana Blessing, Melissa Watson
 It never fails...either I am sprayed tanned and Tara is white, or she is spray tanned and I am white! Makes the tan girl always look like a freak!
Tara, Lucy, Beckett, and Emma 
 Jenny Urban and Stacie Lewis - Stacie was my maid of honor in our wedding and I student taught under her (that was so hard)! Jenny was also a bridesmaids in our wedding. I hooked these two up when we went to Cozumel together and they ended up living together in Wichita. Great memories and great friends!
Kiley and I had the same due date- July 19th. At the shower we were betting who would pop first. Just look at the pic and it is odvious...I am huge! We were right I popped first!
Papa Mike got a picture of all the loot!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Pizza Fun

Making pizza with my parents and Doug and Pam is always a good time. We were missing Joe Burger though!
Have you ever seen someone admire their own pizza baking in the over? Doug sat here and watched until it was finished!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Madeline and Lucy Day

We made a quick trip to Manhattan for Lucy's 2nd Birthday and Madeline's Dance Recital. I have to say Madeline was a lot more comfortable as a 4 year old dancer then as a 3 year old! And I will never forget the mother who stripped down to give her son her under shirt in front of the entire audience. The poor boy never recovered! As for Lucy, the frozen popsicle was too much for us to handle!!!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Meeting Baby Becket

 I got to meet baby Becket Cox! Becket was our original name for a boy so it was crazy when Emma said that was her name. I think it was meant to be. We ended up with Chase...and his name fit him!