The Events of Our Lives

The Events of Our Lives

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Uncle Kelly Visit

We were so glad that Uncle Kelly got to come from Michigan for a week!

Grandma's eyes closed and Chase hamming it up! I think I am the normal one in the family.

Kelly has lived in Michigan my whole life and we have gone to see them a few times and he has come to Kansas but almost always the pictures tell the true story of how those visits go...laughing non stop!

A typical Kelly moment is giving someone bunny ears!

 A constant problem with mom is that she never has her eyes open in pictures. Must have come from my grandpa's side because grandma Pat didn't have a problem. From the looks of this pictures Kelly inherited the gene!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Birthday Party #1

Due to Jason's baseball schedule we did a little party on Chase's Birthday - June 27th and saved his big party for the next weekend.
The dress I am wearing in this picture is the same outfit I wore one year before when he was born. Guess being pregnant two years in a row means I didn't have to switch out my wardrobe! 


My mom called in our food order and Jason went to pick it up. He asked for the order at Easy Street and then learned that she didn't call there. She had called the Rack instead. Oh well, either way we had good food, and a good laugh!

It took Jason about an hour to figure out which car to get Chase. He had to play with them all in the store first. A week after his birthday we had to change batteries. I think he likes it!


Chase wouldn't eat the cake. It was a slow process to get him to start to dig in. He fed his dad though, and threw a lot of cake on the floor!


To finish the party off Chase gave us some musical entertainment with the help of cousin Logan.

Friday, June 13, 2014

A Day at the Zoo!!!

We have taken Chase to the Great Bend Zoo several times but we went to a "real" zoo in Wichita!
His favorite things were the Chimps and Gorillas.

 Chase had to get as close has he could to see the Lemurs!