The Events of Our Lives

The Events of Our Lives

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

First "REAL" Dentist Visit!

The boys had both been to the dentist before to have a "get to know you" check-up. I couldn't believe that they both sat in the chair and let them clean their teeth! It was pretty amazing at such a young age and shocked the staff! I didn't get pictures of Reid since I had to hold him. Chase thought the sunglasses were pretty cool, and he had to wear his dinosaur teeth shirt!

Friday, August 14, 2015

August 2015

Helping daddy get ready for the first day of football practice!

Our house was being roofed and Chase loved to go sit on the "tractors" every morning. Jason had him outside while Reid and I were getting ready and decided to take some pictures.

I couldn't get over how cute the pics were and then...I saw this selfie! Nice Jason, NICE!

Reid discovering that he like the bubbles in the tub. Chase calls him "Santa."

Somebody is almost 1!!!  

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Reid 11 Months

Hard to believe the little man is already 11 months old! He is walking everywhere, loves to growl, enjoys books, likes to eat, is a terrible sleeper, waves, says dada a lot, momma a little, and hi, plays peek-a-boo, dances like crazy, but most of all he loves to torment his brother! Anything Chase is doing or holding Reid has to have! The fights have begun! He weighs 21 lbs.
When trying to get an almost 1 year old to sit still and leave a sticker on I was pretty proud of the pics we actually got!

Had to add a few from his bath! Chase calls him Santa when he has bubbles on his chin!