The Events of Our Lives

The Events of Our Lives

Monday, April 14, 2014

This and That!

February 27th, 2014 turned 8 months old!

Always good to chew on a birthday sign for his friend Pearl Miller!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Loves to read!

A view through the baby cam watching Jason try to sooth Chase back to didn't work!

LOVES to be outside!

Helping grandma pull weeds.

When Chase doesn't want to settle down and go to sleep at night we watch Peter Pan and that usually does the trick. Best movie ever!

This was taken before KU  kicked the bucket and lost in the 2014 NCAA Tourney.

March 27th, 2014 I am  9 months old!

Loves to play on the keyboard so grandpa Smith got him is very own!

A rough day!

 My brother and I used to love this ball when we were growing up. It seems so little now. Chase loves it too! Mason swears it cannot be the same ball because it looks to small!
When I got home from club volleyball practice Chase was still up but Jason did put him in his pajamas...however they were 2T pajamas!

Favorite pastime is to dump his wagon full of toys over. He hasn't got the hang of putting them all back in though.

He is on the move!

The Spray's brought Chase back his first Hawaii shirt from Maui!

January 27, 2014 turned 7 months old!
Chase's Baseball Display!

 Discovered how to make his voice echo in different objects. He then spit up in it!
Loves to play the piano!

One of his favorite toys!
 His other favorite toy is his very own remote. Grandpa Smith has all the extra technology items laying around! I am just waiting for him to realize it doesn't actual work and then he will be back to grabbing the real remote control!

A visit to Great Grandma and Grandpa Smith's

While going through old boxes we found Uncle Mason's Christmas hat from Disney World. It was a hit!

Sitting in Grandpa Smith's Model A.

Great Bend Regional Hospital was a donator for the new score board at Barton County. My dad accepted the award for the hospital.
He will learn in this family that a lot of pictures are taken at the dinner table!

Chase loves to pull things out of the dirt and inspect them. If it is windy he will put his hands up and watch it blow away.

KU clothes were not lucky this year during March Madness but he sure looked cute!
Cousin Rachel Time

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