The Events of Our Lives

The Events of Our Lives

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Big Birthday Party

We went with a baseball themed party since his nursery is baseball décor. As he gets older and starts asking for certain party themes I am going to be thankful we did one we wanted! Mom and I spent the whole day getting everything set up. Jason thought a trip to Pizza Hut would have been fine. I guess that is why the women are in charge of parties!

 Chase's Great Grandpa Howard Smith and Great-Great Uncle Gene.
 Chase's Great Grandma Vivian Smith and Great-Great Aunt Gladys.

Madeline and Lucy gave Chase a great hand-me-down! We can't keep him off the motorized Jeep (even if it is Dora)!

Dinner date with Lucy. They had to sit together and  share food.

Madeline warmed right up to Logan.

Nana and Reese.

 Since this was his second cake he was a bit more prepared to dig in! My mom made the cake and Jason decorated it. Dale used to decorate all the Perry cakes when they were growing up.

He had to pause and point to the bird flying over.

Once he would figure out he wasn't in trouble for making a mess he let loose!

The aftermath!

"The Cake Lady" in McPherson is where we got our cupcakes. Yum Yum!

Madeline took a swim break to have a cupcake.
The fastest way to clean off a cake covered baby is throw him in the water. Cousin Logan was the only adult, or close to adult, willing to get in!


The swimming audience.

 Present time. Madeline and Lucy are good helpers.


 We couldn't keep them out of the water for long.

Tara and I spent most of the time directing the fathers to pay attention to the kids in the water! Must be a mom thing or a pregnancy thing!


Notice the water (aka pee) under Chase's chair. When you got to go, you got to go! That was the finale of the party!

We were so lucky to have our friends and family at the party. Mike and Teresa Malone, Rob and Ashley and Reese Malone, Mike and Logan and Chance, Great Grandma and Grandpa Smith, Great-Great Aunt Gladys and Uncle Gene, Chases' Godparents Josh and Tara Pool and Madeline and Lucy, Grandma and Grandpa Smith, Grandma Karen and Grandpa Vernon. We missed the Chambers and Ali but will have many parties with them in the future!


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