The Events of Our Lives

The Events of Our Lives

Friday, May 30, 2014

Syracuse Trip

Uncle Kelly came for a visit from Michigan and I got to go with mom and him back to Syracuse for a Day Trip.
This was my grandparents house that they had built when they moved from the underground house in the country. I have a lot of memories here. We used to play croquet in the backyard. Grandma had a cat named Cleo that Mason and I hated having to go feed because she ate canned food. There was a little area in the basement that was where we would feed her and it was gross! The bedroom on the far right had all of grandma's costume jewelry and I loved getting to play with it. Across the street is a church and we spent a lot of time playing in what I thought was a HUGE yard. On this trip back it seemed to have shrunk!
There is an alley behind the house. I always thought the yard was huge but seeing it today puts it in perspective! On the very left side of this photo there is an underground room that my uncle Kelly dug out a very long time ago. I remember the whole fence being lined with trees so you could not see the house from the alley.

The north side of town looking toward the airport.

My Great-Grandparents the Schmidt's first house in Syracuse.
My Great-Grandma GiGi's house. I only remember her living in the nursing home.

Downtown Syracuse, Kansas.
The Schmidt family farm. On the way to Syracuse mom and uncle Kelly were talking about this car so it was neat to actually find it.

Schmidt family summer farm house.

Kelly and Mom remember running around on top of this water hole. I remember doing it with Mason.

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