The Events of Our Lives

The Events of Our Lives

Friday, September 12, 2014


September 12th, 2014 was our scheduled C-section for Reid and we made it to that day. We got up early and dropped Chase off at my parents at 5:00 am. When the nurse was monitoring me she was shocked at how many contractions I was having. She told us we probably would have been delivering that day no matter what! Everything went great! We did not know if we were having a boy or a girl.  My dad announced he had even more hair than Chase. This was followed by announcing that we had another set of testicles! Once we had our 3-D ultrasound I had a feeling it was a boy because it was identical to Chase's 3-D picture. Sure enough, Reid had a head full of black hair! He weighed 7.14 and was 20 inches long.
 Last official picture as a family of three.
 Chase got to stay with grandma until Reid arrived.

Here we go again. It feels like I just did this (14 1/2 months earlier).

Grandpa scrubbing in.
We decided on the name Reid on the way to the hospital. We came up with Bennett in the recovery room. We hadn't even talked about Reid. When we were pregnant with Chase I loved the name Beckett. My friend Emma had a baby three months before Chase and they named it Beckett. We had never shared names with one another! The week before Reid was born my friend Holly had her little boy and named him Chole. That was our name for baby #2! Again, we hadn't even shared that with each other! It must have been a sign because we got two boys with perfect names!

Meeting his grandma's!

Doug and Pam are two people that I couldn't have imagined not being there for both our boys arrivals. We tell ourselves they put off their move to Colorado for a week so they could stay and meet Reid!


 This picture is too creepy to delete. Not sure why he was laying there or if I was really with it in this shot!
The 12th was a great day but the 13th was bitter sweet as Jason's uncle Jim passed away. Reid didn't get as much hospital time with Grandma Karen and Grandpa Vernon but he understood.
Chase went to his babysitter Connie's for the morning. This is one of my favorite pictures when Jason brought him in for the first time to see his brother!
What in the world is going on in here?
One proud big brother!

My dad tried to get Chase to push the weigh button on my bed. I did not find the humor in that!
Scot Moeder stopped by. He is a great friend of Jason's and purchased both our boys their first BB Guns. Thanks a lot Scot!
It seemed like forever for Ali to get here! She was such a big help at the hospital. She took care of me, Chase, and Reid. It was great to get to spend time with her and my mom. A little lady time! Jason had to do the radio for the football game the night Reid was born. Ali didn't tell me this until several months after Reid was born but I guess I said some pretty funny stuff when I had medication. She told me that I looked at her and said, "You know what sounds good right now? Chipolte!" We had just eaten hamburgers that she snuck in. And then I asked her, "Do I sound like a man!" Drugs are bad for you!

Melissa Watson was a life saver for me during volleyball season. I took 5 days off and she went 2-0 without me. We didn't get many wins this season so she was amazing!


 Our romantic steak dinner.

Jason showed up for our dinner when Chase was born in a terrible shirt. He came in a polo this time but had this on under it. 

Kendra, Wes, and Perl came to meet Reid.

Cousin Nellie came to meet Reid
Saying a little prayer!

Doug and Pam moved to Colorado a week after Reid was born. I like to tell myself that they stayed just long enough to get to meet him! Kendra, Wes, and Pearl made a trip to meet him as well!

Sept. 12th was a great day because Reid was born. Sept. 13th was sad because Jason's uncle Jim passed away. Grandpa Vernon and Grandma Karen didn't get to spend a lot of time at the hospital but we were glad they could be there off and on.

My good friend Holly had her baby 10 days before Reid. We had kept baby names a secret so when I got to the hospital to meet her new addition and she told me they named him Chole I couldn't believe it! Chole was our #1 name we had for Reid! When Chase was born my good friend Emma had her baby a few months before that. Again, we kept names a secret and they named their baby Beckett. That was our #1 name for Chase! Funny how both our names were used right before we had planned to use them. It all worked out because we definitely have a "Chase" and a "Reid!"
Great grandma and grandpa made the trip from Inman to meet Reid.

Reid's first snow only snowed enough for him to wear it one time!

I think Chase's favorite thing about having a new brother was that he got gifts too!

When I was pregnant with Chase mom was in the hospital for 17 days after having her appendix removed. I spent a lot of time laying in her hospital bed while she sat in the chair. Roles reversed! Chase needed some rest time too!
Some hospital time photos.


The Par School Staff had this onsie made when I was pregnant with Chase. It says, "Made with love by Jason and Kelsey." Both our boys went home in it when they were born.

Little did we know this is the face he would make every time he was put in his car seat! Not a fan!

The only time a pacifier actually worked with Reid.


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