The Events of Our Lives

The Events of Our Lives

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Spring 2015

Grandpa and Chase bird watching!

Chase always wants to drive grandpas car or the moped.
Sprinkler Fun! Reid got to sit in his chair and watch but next spring they will be enjoying it together!


Chase is obsessed with Frosty the Snowman and requests to make it daily. Once you have the basics done he then says, "Hat please? Nose please? Arms please? Scarf please?"

Waiting on daddy to get done with baseball practice!

The big car seat are not friendly on neck when sleeping.
Not sure why everything is a hat to him but these big eggs make him look like he is from the movie CONE HEADS!
Can't believe I put Chase in this shirt but he was low on 2T clothing at the moment! I was making lunch and here them laughing in the other room. I found them wrestling, or hugging?!!!

Black Pepper Snapeas are delicious and one of those items that costs a lot more than they should so of course Chase would love them!

We got a new bed and Chase was really enjoying it the first week or so until the newness wore off.
 Pearl Miller got to come with Grandma Pam and Grandpa Doug for a visit. Chase would constantly yell, "Come on Pearl, come on." He showed her everything he could in the house.
Reid caught himself in the mirror for the first time. It was priceless!

In a years time we went from 4 kids to 7 between us! The Perry boys are going to have plenty of Malone/Pool ladies to choose from!!! Reid 6 months, Ella 4 months, 2 months.
Chase helping grandpa do the chores.

Blue eyed little Reid.

His cousins wrapped him in bubble wrap!
A day at grandma and grandpas!

 Taking after mommy!

 How a walk around the block begins...

 How a walk around the block ends!

 Next time he goes to see uncle Mason he will be a surfing pro!




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