The Events of Our Lives

The Events of Our Lives

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Meeting Pearl

Chase got to meet Kendra and Wes's daughter Pearl. She is almost 5 months and seeing them together reminds me how little Chase is and how hard it is to believe he will be her size before long!
Kendra said it felt like she wasn't even holding anything compared to holding Pearl. Chase weighs about 8 pounds and Pearl around 16 in this picture.



Saturday, July 27, 2013

Rachel's Wedding

My cousin Rachel Kerschen became Rachel Schmidt! Chase was officially 1 month old this day! Chase had been to her wedding shower two weeks earlier and now to the actual wedding. He did really well and slept through the ceremony.
Great Grandpa and Grandma Smith.
Great Grandpa Smith loves his animal crackers!






1 Month Old

July 27th - 1 Month Old!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

MaMa Roo!!!

Chase has received so many great gifts. This is his MaMa Roo that Kip and Kelly Spray got him. It has several swaying styles. His favorite when he is awake is the "Kangaroo" and is favorite for nap time is the "Rock-A-Bye." It has a sound system that includes crickets chirping, ocean waves, rain, and you can plug your phone into it to play your own music. Jason put it together and asked if they make them for adults!

July Picture Drop

Here are random pictures from the month of July.


 I have begun to go over the top on ordering Chase new clothes. Here are some of my favorites that arrived this week!


We are all hoping he has his dads baby blues!
 Muscle Shirt
Off To Grandmas Outfit

For his first real outing mom and I took Chase to my cousin Rachel's wedding shower in Cheney. He was dressed in a cute overall outfit...of course he spit-up all over his clothes and all over my dress. He got a new polo outfit after a stop at Babies R Us and I went soaked in milk! In my defense I did pack extra clothes but they were not very dressy!



Chase is starting to get so big and keeping his eyes open a lot more!

Stacie Lewis got him this #32 onsie. Both Stacie and I were #32 in college!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Aunt Ali Visit!!!

Aunt Ali came from Dallas to stay for a couple of days and we love it when she is here! Chase was in heaven and got a lot of cuddle time. Ali always whips me into shape and I needed it when she was here. What a help she was and it is always so fun to have her here. We miss her as soon as she leaves. Can't wait to get her back to visit this fall!

Swim Time

1st Swim Time! My brother and I , neighbors, and friends have spent many hours swimming in my parents fountain. Chase got his first feel of the water when he was 25 days old. He wasn't really feeling it though. He put his toes in and kicked once but other than that is was mostly tears. We will keep working on developing a love for the water!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

3 Weeks Old

Chase was 3 weeks old on July 18th. He weighed in at 7.3 (up from 6.5 at birth). He spends a lot more time with his eyes open and alert. He has grabbed his toes a few times but doesn't seem interested in them. He is trying to put his fingers in his mouth (NO PLEASE NO FINGER SUCKING)! He does not take a pacifier very often. We are working on a schedule but every time he sleeps 4-5 hours at night I get excited and then the next night that schedule is ruined by waking up every two hours!

Great Bend Zoo

Took his first trip to the zoo! The Great Bend Zoo has had a lot of animals die lately. Papa Malone says they all have cancer and calls it the nursing home for animals!


Monday, July 8, 2013

1st Photo Session!

My cousin Kristin is a photographer and was here from Pittsburg, PA. Aunt Kathy and her came to Great Bend to take his 10 day old pictures. Here is a sneak peak! They are amazing and I can't wait to see all the photos! I was shocked at how patient Kristin had to be with him to get him in all the different poses. We had to feed him at 6:30 am. Keep him awake until 9:30 (impossible with a newborn). And then feed him right before the pictures so he would sleep. He did such a good job. He stayed asleep for the entire 4 hours and only pooped and when Jason and I held him for pics!
This basket shot is one of my favorites!

Chase wore Grandpa's tie for theses pictures.

To get the pics with him in Jason's hands took a lot of time but they turned out to be my favorite of all!