The Events of Our Lives

The Events of Our Lives

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

2nd Hospital Visit

We went home from the hospital for one night and then Chase had to go back and spend another one under the lights because he had jaundice. Looking at the pictures he is so cute with his super hero glasses on but I hated it and cried when they put him in his tanning bed!
Grandma Krista saw him pull his goggles off and ran over to cover his eyes...then he stuck his behind up in the air and flipped over onto his back. Of course this was a reflex but we are bragging that he flipped over at five days old. He has done it two more times since then so he might be an over achiever!
He would pull his legs up and sleep with them crossed in the air, or...

have one leg bent and the other over the top (just like his dad sleeps)!


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