The Events of Our Lives

The Events of Our Lives

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July Picture Drop

Here are random pictures from the month of July.


 I have begun to go over the top on ordering Chase new clothes. Here are some of my favorites that arrived this week!


We are all hoping he has his dads baby blues!
 Muscle Shirt
Off To Grandmas Outfit

For his first real outing mom and I took Chase to my cousin Rachel's wedding shower in Cheney. He was dressed in a cute overall outfit...of course he spit-up all over his clothes and all over my dress. He got a new polo outfit after a stop at Babies R Us and I went soaked in milk! In my defense I did pack extra clothes but they were not very dressy!



Chase is starting to get so big and keeping his eyes open a lot more!

Stacie Lewis got him this #32 onsie. Both Stacie and I were #32 in college!

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