The Events of Our Lives

The Events of Our Lives

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Some Extra Pics

Getting in a little tummy time.
 Chase's Birth Announcement
We left Chase with my parents to take a day and go to Wichita before school started to do some clothes shopping, have sushi (I have been waiting nine months for this), and of course get a pedicure!
Of course we ended up mainly buying clothes for Chase like this Jayhawk outfit!



 Miss Connie our babysitter got Chase a Rocky Mountain outfit and this onsie.

He isn't so little anymore!
This is so true!!!
A little tummy time.
One of uncle Mason's baby outfits.
Grandma and Grandpa Smith bought this bear family at a charity auction. I think they will stay at grandma and grandpas house!

10 Day Old Photo Proofs!!!

I cannot say Thank You enough to my cousin Kristin for the amazing 10 day old pictures!

 Rock Chalk!!!

 My favorite pic of all! Love his face and arms in Jason's hands!

 First smile caught on camera!

 One of Jason's favorite!