The Events of Our Lives

The Events of Our Lives

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Malone Cabin 2013

Last year we went to the cabin with the pools as a couple and this year we went as a family with the addition of Chase (5 weeks old). He did really good in the car and downpour we drove through most of the way. Tara on the other hand was about to pull her hair out be the time we got to Scott City. I think her car was a little noisier with a 5 and 2 year old! We stopped in Canon City to stay the night and he had his first hotel experience. The following morning we went through the mountains and he was perfect for the whole ride!
After a quick morning swim at the hotel Lucy wanted to feed Chase and her and Madeline got some cuddle time in before we headed to the cabin.
His prison pants!

 Lucy was ready to feed Chase whenever she was needed. She even had her burp rag on her shoulder!
 Madeline was attempting to use the I-Pad. We did not have cell or internet service which is usually really nice except when you have grandparents waiting for pictures, phone calls, and face time!
So good at holding his head to support him!

Not sure who got more Lucy love...Jason or Chase!

 Josh is a big fan of Chase's Yankees gear!
 A little hand holding with a chocolate face!

 Madeline patiently waiting her turn (she has to do this a lot with Lucy the baby hog)!

 Lucy couldn't completely walk away.

 Madeline finally got some alone time.


 I cannot stand the show Duck Dynasty but Jason watches it all the time. The first morning at the cabin he walked into the kitchen wearing this shirt. I wanted to kill him and could not believe he bought it. Come to learn that each morning he came downstairs wearing a different Dynasty shirt. I was beyond embarrassed. To make it worse Jason and Josh called each other characters from the show and related everything to the case of the show. All I an say is at least we were in the middle of no where and did not have to see anyone else! Did I mention he bought all his shirts at WalMart!
Some of my favorite Madeline faces!



 Does Josh even need a caption about these pants?

 While playing Battle Ship on a rainy afternoon Tara noticed that Madeline was doing a pattern when she called off her "bomb" sights! Pretty impressive...or OCD!


and the loser was....Josh! One of many games he got beat at during the trip!

Madeline and Lucy have always loved stickers so Lucy introduced Chase to them! I think his face says it all!
Jason went to see what Lucy was doing in our room....turns out she was putting Chase's clothe on her baby dolls while laying in the Pac-N-Play!  And then they came back down stair and Jason's head looked like this!
Last year Jason took Madeline fishing and she lasted about 7 minutes. This year we all went and though we didn't catch anything the girls were enjoying it for a long period of time. Horses helped as a distraction!



Josh getting some fishing tips.

 Love this pic of daddy and his girls!

Madeline came running over to get Jason because, "Daddy broke his pole." 

I believe it was hopeless. Jason just switched him poles!


 My favorite thing at the cabin is cold mornings on the deck drinking coffee

Madeline and Jason out looking for dry firewood.
The last night at the cabin the boys were finally up for a little WAHOO. Must note...they have NEVER beaten us...and once again...the mommies win!!!  I had some classic quotes. #1 "BOOM" (with a fist bump). #2 "Fat or skinny I will beat you!" I might add a had a glass of wine and that hadn't happened for 10 months so I am not responsible for my actions!
The morning we left we attempted to get a photo of all three kiddos. This is what turned out!
Lucy is checking out the arrows that Madeline had shot on the ceiling fan the night before.


A little Josh shot!


The Malone's have a tradition of always taking the kids pictures by the Malone Cabin Sign each summer to see how much they change in a year. Chase was 5 weeks old for his first picture!
The trip out of the cabin is beautiful...and then we end up back in Kansas.

 Grandma Krista was in Oregon and Washington while we were in Colorado so as soon as we got to GB Grandpa Perry scooped him up and sent this picture to grandma...not rubbing it in or anything!

We stopped at Monarch Pass on the way back.


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